Saturday, June 30, 2018

MS 150 training and completion:

So.... I did not use my gym membership more than 5 times. I suck. Nor did I go out and train more than a few times. I super suck. BUT, somehow I managed to accomplish biking 150 miles in two days. How? I have no idea. Perhaps it was residual of countless hours of dryland training and downhill ski practice when I was younger. Has my athletic muscle memory stuck with me? Who knows. But my recent training fell flat. Hence the reason why you haven't seen any posts from me about my biking journey.

Somehow I did manage to "do the damn thing" as I like to say. Here are pics to prove it. Would I do it again? I'm not sure, I think I would. Only if I can make the time to train. It's there for the taking, I just have to not let work get in the way. The most inspiring reason to do it again is my grade school friend Jolene, who I ran into during the event. She has MS. I had not idea. And SHE rode 150 miles. She's a huge inspiration to me and makes me want to do it again 2019. I've even been invited to join her team. With that, I think I just might. As long as I can figure out how to become one with my bike seat and keep my tooshie from hurting SO DANG MUCH. I'll keep you posted.