Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today is July 28, and I can't believe July is almost over! Todd and I sat on the deck last night (like we've done almost every night this summer) enjoying a nice dinner and some wine. I had the camera with me and snapped a few pics of goldfinches, flowers, etc. Speaking of snapping pics, my friend Davin offered me two logo choices for "Paula Elert Photography". I am so excited! I'm getting closer to the realization of my photography business dream every day. Thank goodness I have some time now to work on it, and also the help of my good friend. Hopefully by Christmas I will be up and running. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chickens Little

Our new babies came a few weeks ago...50 little chicks! The post office called us at 8:05 in the morning and Todd eagerly ran off to pick them up. People keep asking what kind of chickens we bought. Kind? There's a kind? Well, apparently so...Araucana, Buff Orpington, Dark Brahma, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Jersey Black Giant, Plymouth Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Salmon Faverolles, Turken, White Leghorn, and Cornish Hens are all just a few varieties. We got the Cornish kind for eating. They will not live long enough to lay eggs, poor things. Everyone tells me how delicious home raised chickens are. I love chicken so I look forward to finding out for myself. Todd raised chickens growing up, but I never have done anything like this so it's definitely interesting. And smelly! He'll be the one to harvest them this fall, I believe. I'm pretty sure I'm busy that day. :)