Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fawn-Doe-Rosa with Keenan

Keenan Hacker and I spent Sunday together at Fawn-Doe-Rosa. I took him for the weekend so mommy and daddy could go fishing and have some one-on-one time. Keenan and I had a blast feeding the animals. His favorites were the otters and rabbits, my favorite were the llamas and vocally annoying guinea hens. The wolves and mountain lion were taking a nap, so we didn't get to see them very well. However, the 2010 chick and duckling models had arrived, so we enjoyed watching them. Not to mention the roosters, which after serious discussion, we agreed were not at handsome as Frankie.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Peeping Rooster

Frankie is nuts. He stands on the deck and looks through the door glass. He tries to come inside when I open the door. He misses the dogs, and I think me. Whenever I start the car he comes runnin'; chasing me down the driveway as I drive off. And, the creme de la creme (drum roll please) he plays fetch with Abbie and Kolah (I swear)! I throw the ball and Frankie runs after it. He never knows quite what to do with it once he gets there, but he'll still chase the damn thing. I never thought I'd see the day...