Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mean People Suck!

Mean People Suck! It’s one of my favorite bumper stickers. It’s true though; mean people can ruin a perfectly good moment. The way I see it, there are three classifications of mean people:

Strangers without a face: The rude telemarkerter on the phone who gets mad at you when you refuse to hear their pitch. Solution - tell them to hang on a minute and set the phone down and go watch TV. Or, better yet, if you have a two year old in the house hand them the phone.

Strangers with a face: the person at the retail store who snatches a size 2 skirt while you are looking at a size 10 skirt and snickers at you (despite the fact that you are 8 inches taller). Solution - put on the hottest outfit there, complete with ALL the accessories, admire yourself in the mirror outside the dressing room where they can see you, and proceed to the checkout counter like your buying a candy bar.

Non strangers: The people you live and work around you...acquaintances...sometimes friends! They are the ones who think they know your business and talk about it when you aren't looking. They are the ones who glare at you on the street when you are walking by with your friend, whisper behind your back in church, think they know your story when really they haven’t got a clue. They’ve never bothered to get to know you; instead they’d rather wallow in mis-information, editing and spinning the facts into stories they prefer. Solution – let them believe what they want to believe, for it is they who are missing out on all the goodness you have to offer. Smile and know that they are the ones who have no authority and no admiration from others. Alternate solution - let the air out of their tires.

In the end, mean people only have themselves to deal with. And whatever your physical size, you are a bigger person than any bully - you have the authority! Truth strengthens you more than others perceived lies or negativity. Own authority, otherwise you give mean people the power to write your life for you. And any anger towards them will eventually make you one of them. Who wants to be like that? Come on, let’s face it...mean people really do suck!

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